c++ overloaded operator for >>
I am trying to implement the overloaded operator for output <<
i have a function to print out preorder recursion like this
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template <typename T>
void BST<T>::preorder_recursive(ostream &out, BSTNode *current) const
if (current != NULL)
out << "preorder level: " << current->data;
preorder_recursive(out, current->left);
preorder_recursive(out, current->right);
template <typename T>
ostream &operator << (std::ostream &ostr,const BST<T> &bs)
ostr << * (bs.recursive_preorder(cout));
return ostr;
here is overloaded function. As you can guess, it will try to print out the binary tree but it doesn't do so. please help
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template <typename T>
// void BST<T>::preorder_recursive(ostream &out, BSTNode *current) const
std::ostream& BST<T>::preorder_recursive( std::ostream &out, BSTNode *current ) const
//if (current != NULL)
// return;
if( current == nullptr ) return out ;
// out << "preorder level: " << current->data;
out << current->data << ' ' ;
preorder_recursive(out, current->left);
// preorder_recursive(out, current->right);
return preorder_recursive(out, current->right);
template <typename T>
ostream &operator << (std::ostream &ostr,const BST<T> &bs)
// ostr << * (bs.recursive_preorder(cout));
// return ostr;
return bs.preorder_recursive(ostr) ;
thank you jlborges. it works
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