i have worked at it for like a week,and this almos kiled me ,and i still can't work it out. i need some help at this,if u help me worked out i can pay u 20 euro to ur paypal. u can sent me a email if u get interest at it incroyableforce1@gmail.com
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a1;
double a5,a8;
cout<<"nombre de pas, et longeur de LH et valeur de h"<<endl;
aliette A(a1,a5,a8); //
A.CreationSurfacePerimetre(A); //
double** B; //
B=A.creationsysteme(A); //
A.Resolutionsysteme(B,A); //T【0】-T【pas】
cout<<"Evacuée est "<<A.calculeeEvacuee(A)<<"w"<<endl; //
return 0;
using namespace std;
b[1]=b[1]-b[0]*A[1][0]; // primere rang
for(int k=2;k<AL.pas-2;++k) // k rang 2<=k<=n-1=pas-2 b=k-1
b[AL.pas-3]=b[AL.pas-3]-b[AL.pas-2]*A[AL.pas-3][AL.pas-2]; // n rang (pas-1) on obtien b(0)-b(pas-2)
for( int i=0;i<=AL.pas-1;i++) //donner valeur de T[1] à T[n+1]/t pas
cout<<"okcalcule ui"<<endl;
Some words of advice:
Run/Debug your program every single time you get to a good "running point" (kind of like stopping at a good "stopping point").
The longer you wait between each bug check, the longer you will likely have to spend searching for it because the more code you will have to go through.
Also, start using an IDE if you can. An IDE would have caught that bug the moment you tried putting it in.
If you are using Windows, I recommend Visual Studios.
If you are using Mac: X code.
If you are on Linux: Code::Blocks.
Though Code::Blocks is usable on all 3, it is usually recommended to use an IDE provided by the company that provides your operating system (at least, that is what I've been told).