2.5437667456 0.38745628423 0.342573653788 2 0.538756284345 -1.37875463465 -3.474745747457 2 -3.324632463248 5.24528346425 3.897894329744 2 1.932842347523 2.78497477934 -1.533467646355 1 2.7843215284 1.64355764345 3.378673675634 1 -3.238902347923 2.89093423532 1.634667357634 1 |
line[size-1] = '2'
.line[size-1] = '2' || line[size-2] = '2' || line[size-3] = '2'
and line[size-2]
and line[size-3]
nothing shows up again.(line[i-1] = ' ' || line[i] = '2' || line[i+1] = ' ') || line[size-1] == '2'
) with the idea to stop the loop whenever I don't find the substring " 2 ", doesn't mattering if there are more than one blank character at the end of the string or if '2' is the last character, in which case there will be only the substring " 2".
||16|error: expected initializer before ':' token| [19|error: expected primary-expression before '}' token| |19|error: expected ')' before '}' token| |19|error: expected primary-expression before '}' token| |19|error: expected ';' before '}' token| ||=== Build finished: 5 errors, 0 warnings ===| |
due to move not being supported on my compiler. |
I got the following errors: |
They have some spaces at the end of strings? |
MiiNiPaa, generally yes. |
Line 3: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
std::cout << static_cast<int>(invis[i]) << ' ';
line[size-1] == '2'
doesn't work after a certain line? The size it is x and the '2' should be in position size-1, right?-0.72745241760641044 -0.68569273924452645 -0.025263664578695975 2 |
(line[i] == '2' && line[i-1] == ' ' && line[i+1] == ' ') || line [size-1] == '2')
line [size-3]: line [size-2]: 2 line [size-1]: line [size]: line [size+1]: line [i-1]: line [i]: 2 line [i+1]: |
stream >> something
) to avoid most problems.