Our tests are based on definitions and understanding the code we wrote and not actually sitting down and coding it for points in case your moral compass was feeling off. |
By your own definition you should fail the test. Though let's ignore that for now.
It is very easy to write up a flow chart or IPO for something, hell anyone without coding experience could probably do it. It is a whole different story to actually implement it.
Once you get past the learning the basics of programming it is no longer about knowing how X works or what Y does. That is the easy part, instead it is knowing how to put everything you just learned together to create a program. Thinking up a solution and actually implementing it.
I am a huge fan of game development, and in game development there is a lot of people who believe that a great idea for a game is worth a million dollars. Well the truth of the matter is that idea is worth absolutely nothing. Millions of people have a great idea every day yet very few can actually follow through with implementing it.
How does this have to do with understanding how your code works for your test? Well it is the same concept almost, having someone else write your code for you and then you learning how it works is worth absolutely nothing in the real world.
Pretty much anyone could do that given enough time. The real challenge which actually proves you derserve that minor in CS is being able to actually implement it yourself. Again not trying to get on your case but there has to be a reason you are minoring in CS and while you might be able to get through college by not doing the work, you definately won't be able to do your job the same way.
Anyways enough with my lecture ;p If you can come up with a basic outline for you code I am sure we would be glad to help guide you through any place you get stuck at.