&integer_name seems so useless...

I am reading a c++ book and in everything i have read until yesterday was understantable and evererytime i said, yes i can use this to do this

But today i read 10 pages of this whole thing about bytes for example:

int n=44;
//which means &n = 0x0064fddc 

//and then it is this
int* pn=&n;
//which means *p=44; 

Just why should i learn something like this?
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1) Dynamic memory management

2) To get around the fact that C++ uses pass-by-value (although you can also use references for this)

3) Pointer arithmetic (although this is less of an issue in C++, as STL containers and iterators make life easier)

4) Polymorphism (although, again, you can use references)

5) Because at some point, you'll almost certainly find yourself using a 3rd-party library whose API uses them.

6) Using it as an incomplete type to avoid circular dependencies (from Peter87)
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Implement a linked list and you will understand why you need pointers.
Implement a linked list and you will understand why you need pointers.

Good point. The need to use incomplete types to resolve circular dependencies should have been no. 6 on my list! In fact, I'll edit it in.
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