I have a vector of Car* objects - vector<Car*> cars
Each object in the vector has an integer attribute called passengers, which can be returned using the function getPassengers().
How do I sort the vector by the objects' passenger int? I know I need to use sort() and presumably a comparison function but I'm not quite sure how.
Thanks for your help.
Assuming you can guarantee that the pointers are valid and non-null,
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sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](const Car* lhs, const Car* rhs) {
return lhs->getPassengers() < rhs->getPassengers();
or, for C++98,
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struct CompareCars {
bool operator()(const Car* lhs, const Car* rhs) const {
return lhs->getPassengers() < rhs->getPassengers();
// ...
int main() {
// ...
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), CompareCars());
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or without functors
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compareCars(const Car* lhs, const Car* rhs)
return lhs->getPassengers() < rhs->getPassengers();
std::sort(cars.begin(), cars.end(), compareCars);
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