What's the problem

Private Sub Parametri()

Dim ladoRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim lstrSql As String

Set ladoRs = New ADODB.Recordset

lstrSql = "SELECT * from servisi"
ladoRs.Open lstrSql, "DSN=" & "Videoteka" & ";" & "UID=" & gstrUID, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If ladoRs.BOF = False And ladoRs.BOF = False Then
txtGratis.Text = ladoRs!gf
gintGratis = CInt(ladoRs!gf)
txtVrac.Text = ladoRs!rv
gintVrac = CInt(ladoRs!rv)
txtGratis.Text = "0"
gintGratis = 0
txtVrac.Text = "0"
gintVrac = 0
End If

Set ladoRs = Nothing

End Sub
The problem is that that's VB.NET and this is a C++ forum.
know yet how this issue? Know whether you could solve for me .. I sent you my project to your email address, I am all done I just still this kochi not bridesman What wrong ... whether we can help ...
What helios means is don't come to a C++ forums for help with Visual Basic. Go to a Visual Basic forum.

For future reference: Saying "what's the problem" and providing no details shows that you didn't take the time yourself to debug the code or to find even the general location of the error. I have used VB .Net and I know that it prints out an error message and points to the line number if there is an error.

People are not going to read through code if they have no clue what they are looking for.
This is not the correct forum for that question. You are coding Visual Basic, and this is a C++ forum, which means we cant really help you as much as people in a visual basic forum
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