I can play all three files just fine, but there is a short delay between that I would rather not be there.
I there a way to have no delay between the files playing?
I know playing the files this way is not what everyone would do, but before I try any of them can anyone tell me if it would be futile. ie Would I always have the 0.5 second gap between the files no matter what method I used?
And needless to say, are there any specific methods anyone would reccomend for this task?
I was going to suggest loading the file into memory too. But I'm not sure that it truly fixes the problem. Here's my code which loads a wav file into memory, then plays it.
I find there is still a short gap between each sound.
At line 75-77 the sound is played, one after the other. If the parameter is omitted, like this,
75 76 77
then all three sounds will play simultaneously. Perhaps introducing a suitable duration Sleep() between each call will allow the sound to start playing at the required moment.
Thanks Chervil. Your code actually played for me with a much shorter pause between the files, although it did it in a weird way.
When I tried your code originally a few hours ago, the pauses were still there, but I tried it again now and it worked near perfectly. Also closed C++ builder and reopened it etc to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
The only thing I think I changed was freeing up some space on my computer from 18GB free to 26Gb free.