Looking for an IDE


I spent a lot of time in school and private learning how to program and i think I am ready for a real project (alone or in a Team).

My problem:
I don't know which IDE is the best for me...

Some data about me:
Operating system: Debian stable (squeeze atm)
Favorite language: C++ (best language ever <3)
Versions management: prefer git (i am already on github)
built tool: make

It also would be nice to have suggestions for valid methods at entering "(*objectname)." that i usually prefer to "objectname->"

What do you recomment/suggest? If you need to know more just ask!
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Here are some words on the subject.


Here are some more:


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Perhaps you could read the bit of those links that discusses IDES? THose bits are, unsurprisingly, about IDEs. You can tell which bit is discussing IDEs because they have IDE in them.

Edit: For latecomers, there used to be a post before this indicating that those links were useless as the OP wanted to know about IDEs.
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Sorry i did not delete the poste... dont know where it vanished...

Well g++ is a compiler and not a ide.

My favourite until now is geany. Only thing that i dislike => im never gonna save my cpp files with the ending cxx. Thats just fail and anoyes me A LOT.
> I don't know which IDE is the best for me...

In conjunction with

> Versions management: prefer git (i am already on github)
> build tool: make

would suggest something lightweight and minimalist, that does not get in the way of a programmer who knows what needs to be done and how it is done.
Something like Geany. http://www.geany.org/
Well g++ is a compiler and not a ide

How about the IDEs mentioned on those links?

1- Code::Blocks -> http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads
2- Visual Studio C++ Express -> http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/#2010-Visual-CPP
3- Netbeans -> http://netbeans.org/downloads/
4- Eclipse (CDT) -> http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/downloads.php
5- QT Creator

@ Moschops

Code::Blocks => does not allow you to use a propper built tool
Visual studio => for windows
Netbeans and Eclipse => i am concedering but i don't know how good they support cpp features

Like i saied i REALY like geany but i do not managed to configure it for a propper cpp. Do i need plugins? where do i get that plugins? How do i get a cpp template (refuseing to call my cpp files cxx. Thats just wrong)?
> i REALY like geany but i do not managed to configure it for a propper cpp.
> How do i get a cpp template (refuseing to call my cpp files cxx. Thats just wrong)?


Eclipse (CDT) has pretty decent C++ support, code completition/correction also seems to be compatible with most C++11 syntax. It's not quite as elaborate as, say, VS but it does everything I ever need it to do. Which is mostly keeping me from having to stare at monochrome source code, saving build settings and highlighting where errors occurs (of course that's not the full functionality of eclipse, but I only ever use version control systems for checking out sourceforge/github projects or for uni stuff, so I don't know how good the support there is).

Thank you all for your help. I choose Geany because it gives most of the advantages of a IDE without limitateing what compiler/debugger/etc you use.
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