//Student grading
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
int main() {
ofstream grades;
int id[99];
int grade[99];
int score[99];
string name[99];
int average[99];
int i = 0;
cout << "Welcome to the student grade organizer" << endl;
cout << "The file of grades and names will be saved in the same folder as this" << endl;
cout << "How many students are there (1 - 100)? " //Variable starts at 0
cin >> i;
for (; i>1; --i) //My heads hurting as to whether to count down or up
cout << "What is the name of the student? ";
cin >> name[i]
return 0;
I haven't really looked through.. it... but its a start.. sorry there isn't any comments.. your code was missing headers for example <fstream> and <iostream> and <string>.. i really had to rush through it.. so if it's unorganized i'm sorry...
Yea he basically said we had to use those basic functions I had up their. void inputStudentInfo(int IDs[], string studentNames[], float scores[], int& numOfStudents)
There's quite a bit missing, but you've got (a week I think), so you should be fine. Functions are a good practice if used properly, this site's tutorial has everything you need. You can get it done within 30 minutes (If it took 10 minutes to read, and even if you needed reference and checked back another 20 minutes to actually code). You should try compiling it, if it doesn't compile, read the errors and fix em, if you got a problem that you can't solve (no matter how stupid) bring it to the forums =D. (Lol, I don't wanna sound like a teacher)
So, I just built it today. It's got quite a bit of functions. May not be exactly what your looking for. We'll walk through it, and I'll show ya how it's done, I used a function to calculate the avg, a function, to output data to the file, a function to get info, and a function to assign the grades, and there are arrays too so yeah, talk to me on facebook when your ready (if im not online it gets sent to my phone so when you send I'll be on about a minute later but only after 7) because I"m working and can't get to facebook yet... Happy CODING!!
// Student Grading system
//int i is used as a local variable alot to keep track of stuff
#include <iostream> // Mandatory
#include <fstream> // File I/O
#include <string> // Mandatory for strings
void getInfo(); // Function getInfo
void findAvg(); // Function findAvg
void giveGrade(); // Function giveGrade
void output(); // Function output
usingnamespace std; //Standard Namespace
float avg = 0;
int ID[200];
string name[200];
float score[200];
string grade[200];
signedint pk=-1; //PK is the incrementer
ofstream file;
string filename;
int main(void)
system("color 0a"); // Changes system text to green/0a
system("cls"); // Clears the screen
// Introduction
//Make it look good
cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "|Welcome to my Student grading organizer!!|" << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
// Notifies where file will be saved
cout << "This program will create a file called 'Grades.txt'" << endl;
cout << "in the ORIGINAL folder it was placed in." << endl;
system("pause"); // Give time to read
// Calls getInfo
getInfo ();
// Calls findAvg
findAvg ();
// Calls giveGrades
// Calls output
// This is for after output.. Notification of saving
cout << "Saving file 'Grades.Txt'" << endl;
// Give Time to Read
return 0;
void getInfo() //Used to Gather information
string more = "y"; //While More = True.... Loop
int i = 0; //To ensure Score is actually integer
while (more=="y")
pk++; //Incremente
ID[pk] = pk + 1; //ID Count = PK..
cin.sync(); // Clear buffer for each loop
cout << "What is the name of the student? "; //Get name
getline( cin, name[pk] ); //Put into name[pk]
cout << "What is the score of the student? "; //Get score
//Ensure that score is actually an integer
while (!(cin >> i))
//If not an integer, repeat until so
cout << "What is the score of the student (integer value's only): ";
score[pk] = i; //If so.. Put score in here
cout << "Would you like to add another student? ";
cin >> more; //Ask if they'd like to add another student
while (more != "y" && more != "n")
//While more is not y & not n
cout << "(y or n) only please: ";
cin >> more;
/*If it's n... it goes back to main.. to continue next function
Otherwise it will go back to the beginning of this function*/
void findAvg() //Used to calculate the average
for (int i=0; i<pk + 1; i++) /* As long as i is less than pk
score[1], score[2], and so on
will be added to avg*/
avg = avg + score[i];
avg = avg / (pk + 1); /*To find the average..
Take the total number of scores (currently in avg)
and divide it by pk + 1 because pk starts at -1*/
cout << "Average = " << avg << "%" << endl; /*Display avg and add %
so it looks professional*/
system("pause"); //Give user time to see average
void giveGrade()
/*Standards are as follows
A student within 5 points of the average gets a B
A student with more than 5 points above the average gets an A
A student with more than 5 and within 15 points below the average gets a C
A student with more than 15 points below the average gets a D
for(int i = 0; i < pk + 1;i++) //While i is less than pk.. do this
if (score[i] >= avg + 5) //Standards for an A
{ //Greater than or = to the average + 5
grade[i] = "A";
elseif (score[i] <= avg + 4 && score[i] >= avg - 4)
{ //Less than or = to +4 & greater than or = to -4
grade[i] = "B"; //Standards for a B
elseif (score[i] <= avg -5 && score[i] >= avg - 14)
grade[i] = "C"; //Standards for a C
elseif (score[i] < avg - 15)
grade[i] = "D"; //If none of the above apply.. Give D
void output()
//ofstream file declared above
//Open a file called Grades.txt
//If non-existant it will be created
//Display average in text file
file << "The Average is: " << avg << "%" << endl << endl;
//Local Variable i is used again
//while i is less than pk put the array into the textfile
//For example
ID[1] Produces 1
name[1] Produces Name that was put first
score[1] Produces score that was put in first
grade[1] Produces first grade calculated
<< ends the line
the "" are to make it look neater
for(int i = 0; i < pk + 1;i++)
file << ID[i] << ", " << name[i] << ", " << score[i] << "%, " << grade[i] << endl;
cout << ID[i] << ", " << name[i] << ", " << score[i] << "%, " << grade[i] << endl;
//Save and close the file.. Go Back to main
It's all commented so you can learn as much as you can. Have fun.. NOW UPDATED!! D now gives correct value.. and Output is displayed to the screen while it is being put in a text file