well I thought you could maybe help me out. I thought I should post all of the code for you all to see. I don't expect you to go through every line of it, I just thought someone could give me an idea of where to look or they may know themselves where to look to find the problem. I was not being rude and I just asked a question. I am sorry if you thought it was not an appropriate question, but I was not sure how much of my code one would need to see and I wanted to show that I had done most of the work myself. If you needed more clarification you could have just said so instead of talking down to me. I thought this was forum was to help beginners. thanks
ok the error message states
[Linker error] undefined reference to 'operator<<(std::ostream&, song const&)'
I think that the error is probably in my song.h file but I am not sure. would it be better to just post that file? Thanks