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#include "resource.h"
//6 is the X position of the dialog box on the screen
//5 is the Y position of the dialog box on the screen
//304 is the width of the dialog box
//206 is the height of the dialog box
DLG_MAIN DIALOGEX 6, 5, 304, 206
CAPTION "Project Manager" //Title of the window
FONT 8, "Ariel" //Font size (8) and type (Tahoma)
STYLE 0x10CE0804
//138, 5, 46, 15
//138 is the X position of the button, Left and right
//5 is the Y position of the button, Up and down
//46 is the buttons length
//15 is the buttons height
//&Test is the name of the button
//IDC_BTN_TEST is the name of the defined keyword in resource.h
CONTROL "&Test", IDC_BTN_TEST, "Button", 0x10010000, 138, 5, 46, 15
//CTEXT - Places text in the window, but not a text box.
//RADIOBUTTON - Creates a Radio Button
//CHECKBOX - Creates a checkbox
CONTROL "&Test", IDC_BTN_TEST, "Button", 0x10010000, 138, 5, 46, 15
CONTROL "&Quit", IDC_BTN_QUIT, "Button", 0x10010000, 138, 48, 46, 15
CONTROL "&Button", IDC_BTN_TESTBTN2, "Button", 0x10010000, 138, 29, 46, 15
CTEXT "Your text here", IDC_STATIC, 138, 68, 46, 15
GROUPBOX "GroupBox", IDC_STAT2, 25, 5, 100, 50
PUSHBUTTON "HI", Button, 50, 25, 46, 15
RADIOBUTTON "Radio Test", RadioB, 138, 88, 50, 50
CHECKBOX "Checkbox", CheckB, 138, 120, 50, 50