qt vs win32 ??

So I've dabbled in both of them now and it seems qt makes HUGE applications while the win32 api of course is tiny. Except for having to learn more and write more code what possible advantage from a utilitarian standpoint does qt give you vs win32? Win32 seems faster and smaller?

I think I am going to learn Win32 before I get serious about qt. I'm wondering if I am missing anything though? Which one is used in the business world more these days? Would businesses want you to know QT?

Someone just explain some of this.

Peace Thanks for your help and input.
Well win32 can only make applications for windows. So if you're making big software then you should make it for every OS. From Qt website you can see it's used by big companies like Samsung and others so I guess you could use this.
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Qt is vastly more useful than WinAPI. Qt feels heavy and hard to learn, but in reality WinAPI is a lot harder to use.
I'm a bit confused here:
WinAPI is everything if you want to deal with Windows OS. It defines the Windows OS, from a programmer's point of view. All frameworks/platforms such as MFC, QT, etc, makes use of a subset of WinAPI.

I admit that WinAPI might be more difficult to use, but how can the frameworks that make use of a subset of WinAPI be more useful than WinAPI itself?
Because it's much easier to work with. You exchange some fine control (and give up the ability to do some things) in exchange for a much easier programming environment.

It's like digging a hole with a shovel instead of a spoon. Yes, you can much finer work with the spoon and there are things you can do with the spoon you couldn't do with the shovel, but you'll be there all day with the spoon.

Don't forget that Win32 is itself there to make it easier for you to programme so that you don't have to mess with the level beneath that, and so on and so on.
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