1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
bool GetImageSize(const char *fn, int *x,int *y)
FILE *f=fopen(fn,"rb");
if (f==0) return false;
long len=ftell(f);
if (len<24) {
return false;
cout << fn << endl;
// Strategy:
// reading GIF dimensions requires the first 10 bytes of the file
// reading PNG dimensions requires the first 24 bytes of the file
// reading JPEG dimensions requires scanning through jpeg chunks
// In all formats, the file is at least 24 bytes big, so we'll read that always
unsigned char buf[24]; fread(buf,1,24,f);
// For JPEGs, we need to read the first 12 bytes of each chunk.
// We'll read those 12 bytes at buf+2...buf+14, i.e. overwriting the existing buf.
if (buf[0]==0xFF && buf[1]==0xD8 && buf[2]==0xFF && buf[3]==0xE0 && buf[6]=='J' && buf[7]=='F' && buf[8]=='I' && buf[9]=='F')
{ long pos=2;
while (buf[2]==0xFF)
{ if (buf[3]==0xC0 || buf[3]==0xC1 || buf[3]==0xC2 || buf[3]==0xC3 || buf[3]==0xC9 || buf[3]==0xCA || buf[3]==0xCB) break;
pos += 2+(buf[4]<<8)+buf[5];
if (pos+12>len) break;
fseek(f,pos,SEEK_SET); fread(buf+2,1,12,f);
// JPEG: (first two bytes of buf are first two bytes of the jpeg file; rest of buf is the DCT frame
if (buf[0]==0xFF && buf[1]==0xD8 && buf[2]==0xFF)
{ *y = (buf[7]<<8) + buf[8];
*x = (buf[9]<<8) + buf[10];
//cout << *x << endl;
return true;
// GIF: first three bytes say "GIF", next three give version number. Then dimensions
if (buf[0]=='G' && buf[1]=='I' && buf[2]=='F')
{ *x = buf[6] + (buf[7]<<8);
*y = buf[8] + (buf[9]<<8);
return true;
// PNG: the first frame is by definition an IHDR frame, which gives dimensions
if ( buf[0]==0x89 && buf[1]=='P' && buf[2]=='N' && buf[3]=='G' && buf[4]==0x0D && buf[5]==0x0A && buf[6]==0x1A && buf[7]==0x0A
&& buf[12]=='I' && buf[13]=='H' && buf[14]=='D' && buf[15]=='R')
{ *x = (buf[16]<<24) + (buf[17]<<16) + (buf[18]<<8) + (buf[19]<<0);
*y = (buf[20]<<24) + (buf[21]<<16) + (buf[22]<<8) + (buf[23]<<0);
return true;
return false;
int main()
const char *theFile = "01.jpg";
int the_x =0;
int the_y =0;
bool didRun = false;
didRun = GetImageSize(theFile, &the_x, &the_y);
cout << "Dimensions: " << the_x << " x " << the_y << endl;
return 0;