Codeblocks to dev-c++

Hello, I want to ask something.I have a code, written with codeblocks, and the problem is that I see several files, not one like it should look like if it was written with dev-c++.My question is- is there any possibility to convert those files to something understandable for dev-c?
Rachel Anderson

ps.Excuse me for this extremely stupid question, I just have never used codeblocks :(
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If you mean *.cpp and *.h files, etc. they will all be readable by either. If you mean the *.cbp Code::Blocks project file then that is probably incompatible with DevC++, which will most likely have its own project file format.

Code::Blocks can import DevC++ projects, but I don't know about the other way round.

However, please do not use DevC++ :)

It is buggy abandonware with an outdated compiler. On the other hand, Code::Blocks is awesome, and I often use it myself. You can read more here:
Yeah, I hear a lot of things against devC, and I say to myself every time- from now on I will use something else, but I keep using dev, I dont know why.A couple of weeks ago I read that article, and now I am using to wxDev-C++.Its not a lot better than the ordinary devC, but thats another story.
Just make sure that the GCC is updated to the latest version with your Dev-C++ and it will work fine.
The problem is that I dont know how to work with several files.I see two header files, two cpp's and a project.How can I make it as one complete cpp?Is there such way?I can post them here if it will help..
You don't need to make a single cpp file. The whole point of projects is to mange multiple files. If they are all correctly organised in a project, you can still compile and link them into a single executable file.
Dont laugh at my stupid questions.I have a project, together with the other files, so I just should open that project?
In the building log it says"Nothing to be done."I try to put them in Dev-c, but I cant make it.Can you explain it more specifically?
Hmm I did it.I just organized them, and everything is fine now.I didnt think its so easy :D
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Use notepad.. xD That's what I use. Because I'm pro. Lol jk.. I'd say wxDev-C++ or Code::Blocks would be best.
Why not use Visual C++? It's much better than Code::Blocks in my opinion. The only problem is with using #pragma once which doesn't translate to other IDE's so you have to use #ifndef statements :/
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I am not an alternate os kind of guy. I would be, but I don't have the patience to put into learning Linux, nor the money to spend on a Mac. That being said, Visual C++ is bloatware, as so much software made by Micro$oft. Build a file in Code::Blocks, and you have three files, .cpp, .o, and .exe. Build a file in Visual C++... Wait, you can't build just a file. To have a file, you must have a project. This entails having multiple folders and files within them. This just litters up the hard drive.

That's why not use Visual C++.
iirc the goal of IDE's such as Visual C++ is 'making complex codes easier to write and large projects easy to manage', the flip side to this philosophy is that using the IDE will most likely increase the learning curve for total beginners, they have to learn the language and the IDE.
I'd still recommend beginners to download and use VC++ Express, but for simple tasks they must learn how to use the Visual Studio Command Prompt -it's so simple: use notepad (or better alternatives like Notepad++) to code and the VS Command Prompt to compile the source and run the executable
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