string functions

Hello, I am learning string functions from a book, however, the book was published in 2003 so some things may no longer be relevant. The functions I am trying out is strcpy, strcmp strcat, and strlen. When I try and use the first three, my compiler complains that they are unsafe and are deprecated. But when I check the tutorials on this site I do not see anything about these functions no longer being used. Are these functions are still being used today, are they old, is there something wrong with my compiler?
Those are C functions. C++ supports them, because that's what C++ does when it comes to everything it got from C, but C++ has std::string which is a proper string class.

Where C has the dangerous strcpy function, in C++ you just use = and the string class takes care of it for you, safely.

If you're learning C++, start with the actual C++. Start with actual C++ string class.
Its a c++ book i am learning from, and its teaching these functions. It is teaching two methods of strings, it says, "c++ supports two types of strings, the most commonly used, the null terminated string, which is a null terminated array" Which is, what I believe these functions are used for? and then the book talks about a sting defined by c++ which I believe is what you are talking about.

Is the null terminated string still the most commonly used then? I am guessing it is not by your comment?
String object was a latecomer to c++, added with the first STL implementation I think? So old books will still teach the old way, as do old professors, sadly.

Your book covers both but has it backwards; String object is the most commonly used in new code written in the last 10-15 years at least. If you look at all code since the dawn of time, the C style wins hands down.

So the answer is .. it depends. Technically the author is probably right in that most code probably does use C style, due to years and volume and some places that still teach it. There is also a hardware / integration issue: many devices and quite a few software packages want C-style strings to interface to them, forcing even new, modern code to use them at least a little bit for at least the interface part (for small things, you may end up just using c-style the whole way). For example, the database program I write plug-ins for now and the GPS &DMU devices I used at my last job all spoke C-style. And string is faster than c style on some things, so for max speed you would need both which is an unholy mess in code.

there are 2 or 3 things you can do slightly easier/better in C-style, at the risk of 'if you screw it up, its hard to debug and deal with' like all arry/pointer code. The old power/responsibility thing, most modern folks err on the side of responsible as computing power today make it harder to justify goofy shortcuts to save a few billionths of a second and every year the wall clock savings decrease.

the things where c-style is slightly better IMHO..
- serialized data where you have to deal with string members in some annoying way while a char array fixed size member can be directly shoved thru.
- find is not boolean, strstr() effectively is. sometimes you just want to know if its there. String object can do it, but its clunky.
- destructive parsing. you can jack a 0 over a delimiter and get substring values via pointers more efficiently (destroys the input) than splitting up a string.

-and not really fair, mad hax stuff where you do weird pointer/magic stuff that should not ever be done except for amusement purposes is well suited to C style.
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Short answer ... learn both :)
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...that they are unsafe and are deprecated

Sounds that you use Visual Studio. Don't bother about these warnings, they are not deprecated, it's just Microsoft's opinion.
They are still part of the C++ standard.
There are 2 ways to disable this warnings:
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