C++ DICE game error

Goal is for a dice game that the user can play the computer, both computer and user are getting random numbers, sorry if this is far off, im a true beginner and trying my best

Hello mburner432,

To start with if you have not read this take the time. http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/1/

If this is for school that is OK, but you need to post the directions, instructions, specifications, however you refer to it, so that those reading this know what you need to do. The exact text is preferable.

Post the code that you have or say that you do not know what to do.

It is always helpful to mention what IDE/compiler you are using and if you know what C++ standard it is using. C++11 should be the minimum standard that you want to work with.

Chances are that you will be using "rand()" in your program. This is a good video to watch which talks about the problems that using "rand" has.

Also there is: https://web.archive.org/web/20180123103235/http://cpp.indi.frih.net/blog/2014/12/the-bell-has-tolled-for-rand/
Just to give you an idea.

You are not the first with this problem. Do search in this forum and you are likely to find something that can help.

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