Difficulty configuring library XCode

I'm currently trying to implement audio in a game I have been making with SDL2 using OSX XCode 10.1

I initially intended to use the SDL_mixer library, But I would like to be able to use a realtime lowpass filter effect on my audio files.

I believe the SoLoud library has the features I need.

I have downloaded the library but it does not contain the .dylib or .a library files only the source code.

I am still new to programming and I am not sure how to set this up for use in XCode...

please advise.
thanks in advance.

(apologies if this is not the correct place for this kind of post)

- Dan
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look for instructions on the site or in the download to compile the library. They may not give you the compiled file. The compiled files are not always portable across all system types and not every lib provides compiled versions.

someone may have done the work for you -- you can also search for a compiled version for your hardware/os/system.
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It seems that they suggest to add the files to your project. Taking a look at their page, there are ways to make its own project:

I didn't see that premake page I'll give that a go... thanks!
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