Issue with compile outputing file size too small and weird warning

Having issue with a new warning popping up in Visual Studios 2019 when compiling my project. I recently got AES-256 implemented into my project after several days of issues. However my dll when compiled is supposed to be roughly 400+kb in size, but now when compiling I get the below error showing up now and the output file size is only 49kb in size. I THINK the issue is likely to do with #include<vector> but I don't really know for sure what exactly is actually happening to my dll file when its compiled
    LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
The problem is usually that you use different run time libraries for the involved projects. See:

Maybe in one project you have a debug version and in another the release version.
so after several hours of testing I eventually fixed it by using the github version of tiny-aes-c instead of the version through vcpkg.exe. something seemes to be broken on the vcpkg one. is there a way to get information about packages on there? like specifically a url link to where the files are downloaded from and when the last time they were updated?
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