Help with a bitmap header implementation

hello, i have an issue with an assignment, we need to implement certain shape, but using a bitmap image. We have a header for this, but cannot figure out exactly what to do. The header file is below, any help or tutorial will help a lot, specifically with the part for pixels and depth

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class bitmapImage;

A class for working with the Windows Bitmap File Format.
Supports bit depths of 16, 24, and 32 with uncompressed pixel data.

This does not support compressed bitmaps or bit depths of 1,4, or 8.
Compression is rarely used with this file format, though.

Colors can be specified in RGB format (red, green, and blue
intensity values)
Red, Green, Blue colors range from 0-255
(0 -> off to 255 -> full intensity)
For red, it would be (255, 0, 0) and in hex, (0xff0000).
As a single value, 0xff0000 is 16,711,680
For green, it would be (0, 255, 0) and in hex, (0x00ff00).
As a single value, 0x00ff00 is 65,280

class bitmapImage
int width, height;
int **pixelData;
void freePixelData();

// create empty bitmap object

// create bitmap object from file 'filename'.
bitmapImage(const char* filename);

// create empty bitmap object of size width by height
bitmapImage(int w, int h);

// destructor
virtual ~bitmapImage();

// set (for empty object) bitmap size
void setSize(int width, int height);

// loads uncompressed bitmaps with color depths of
// 16,24, and 32 returns 0, if successfully loaded.
int loadFromBitmapFile(const char*filename);

// saves bitmaps using 24 bit color depth (typical default)
void saveToBitmapFile(const char* filename) const;

// saves using the specified depth of 16, 24, or 32
void saveToBitmapFile(const char* filename, int bitDepth) const;

// get bitmap object height
int getHeight() const;

// get bitmap object width
int getWidth() const;

// get 'red' part of color value
int getRed(int color) const;

// get 'green' part of color value
int getGreen(int color) const;

// get 'blue' part of color value
int getBlue(int color) const;

// convert red, green, and blue values to single color value
int getColorForRGB(int red, int green, int blue) const;

// get contents of (x,y) in image map
int getPixel(int x, int y) const;

// set contents of (x,y) in image map with specified color
void setPixel(int x, int y,int color);

// set contents of entire image map with specified color
void fillWith(int color);

// set contents of rectangle within image map with specified color
void fillRect(int left, int top, int width, int height, int color);

// set contents of (x,y) in image map with specified color in RGB format
void setPixelRGB(int x, int y, int red, int green, int blue);



So you have to draw a shape?

// create bitmap object
bitmapImage bm;

// now set pixels to draw your shape. I chose to draw in red
bm.setPixel ( xPosition, yPostion, 0xff0000); 
// set many more pixels

// write out image

You have to set the pixels to draw the shape you want.
Thank you , I can try and work with that
And yes I need to draw a shape ,
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