
Hello members,

I have a question is there a possibility to log the input and output from a Roman numeral conversion tool? So that all the conversions automatically printed on the screen? For example you look at http://hbs-ict.nl/rnc/
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<title>Roman Numeral Conversion for IT -ECONOMICS with logging</title>
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<h1>Roman Numeral Converter for IT -ECONOMICS with logging</h1>
<!-- arbic input -->
<input id="arabicInput" type="text" name="arabic" placeholder="arabic numbers">
<!-- roman input -->
<input id="romanInput" type="text" name="roma" value="" placeholder="roman numbers">
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js">


const arabicInput = document.getElementById("arabicInput");
const romanInput = document.getElementById("romanInput");

romanInput.value = arabicToRoman(e.target.value);
arabicInput.value = romanToArabic(e.target.value);


function arabicToRoman(number){
let roman = "";
const romanNumList = {M:1000,CM:900, D:500,CD:400, C:100, XC:90,L:50, XV: 40, X:10, IX:9, V:5, IV:4, I:1};
let a;
if(number > 3999)
return "Enter a number between 1 and 3999";
for(let key in romanNumList){
a = Math.floor(number / romanNumList[key]);
if(a >= 0){
for(let i = 0; i < a; i++){
roman += key;
number = number % romanNumList[key];

return roman;
function romanToArabic(romanNumber){
romanNumber = romanNumber.toUpperCase();
const romanNumList = ["CM","M","CD","D","XC","C","XL","L","IX","X","IV","V","I"];
const corresp = [900,1000,400,500,90,100,40,50,9,10,4,5,1];
let index = 0, num = 0;
for(let rn in romanNumList){
index = romanNumber.indexOf(romanNumList[rn]);
while(index != -1){
num += parseInt(corresp[rn]);
romanNumber = romanNumber.replace(romanNumList[rn],"-");
index = romanNumber.indexOf(romanNumList[rn]);
return num;

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This appears to be Javascript. Is that intended?
where is the c++ code?

Where do you want it 'logged' ... you can pop up a console, but I don't think the web page users would see it, eg in the js? If its just something for yourself, that would be ok I guess? I can't click on your links...

in the c++ code part of your program add a cout statement would do it.
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@jonnin yes its for my self if it is possible to save input input and output for example in a popup i'm happy.

@repeater if you have something else i wil be able to use in C++ let me see with the specs i ask with logging.

would a console.log(whatever) in the .js file do it?

the reason we are asking about c++ .... look at the forum name. Take a guess what language we discuss here :P
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