Hello poohbear,
In the two files there are things that need fixed before you can proceed.
In "date.h":
Do not put includes like "iostream" and 'iomanip" in header files. What is in the ".cpp" file will cover this. More about this shortly. And
never put
using namespace std:
in a header file. this is asking for real trouble. Take some time to read this:
Other than removing some blank lines there is nothing else wrong in the header file that would keep the program from compiling. The only thing I would have done differently is put the two ctors outside the class with the rest of the functions and I would put the class in a header file and the functions in a ".cpp" file.
"main" has more that needs fixed:
In the class, which should be in its own header file, you prototypd the two ctors, but never wrote the function for them. BTW it is best to put the class definition in a header file and the functions in a ".cpp" file, but what you have works.
On line 49 you have just the word "double" before the function "roomtype". This needs removed.
In main the line
Reservation ob();
the () are not needed. This makes it a function call not a definition. Removing the () allowed line 64 to work.
When naming a variable you should use something that describes what the variable is or used for. For instance "N"; When I see this I first think that it is defined as a constant because of the capital letter. Variable names are best started with a lower case letter. "name" is a much better choice than "N". Also if the variable name is comprised of two or more words using camel case is best as in "firstName". It is also accepted to use the underscore as in "first_Name". The way you write your variable names is your choice, but be consistent with what you choose.
When it comes to classes and structs these names are better started with a capital letter. As you did with "Reservation".
When a variable is defined as a constant this should be in all caps. This helps you to remember and let others know that it is a constant that can not be changed.
Now that the files are compile-able I will give it a test and see what happens.
Hope that helps,