I'll just describe what I do, and it looks like JLBorges does pretty much the same above...
Copy your input string and the comparison string and turn the copies to lower-case. Then compare both lower-case only strings to each other. This way you don't have to worry about comparing an upper-case against a lower-case since everything is lower-case.
In line 7 JLBorges is using the std version of tolower(char) to quickly convert the string in a single-line for-each loop and then returns the copy for the comparison in line 15.
You could write your own tolower function for chars as well, but generally the c++ library has optimized code under the hood. Include the cctype library to gain access to the tolower(char) function.
Personally I would write my function to simply compare one string against another instead of testing against an entire array of strings just because it has more utility. I would leave the loop of checks against the array to either main or in this case to findStock(), but that's a personal choice.
>> JLBorges makes a very good point that the choice to exit should be dealt with in main or otherwise the calling function since in the calling function you have a bigger picture of things. Not finding the string usually isn't a reason to exit with an error code (returning a negative number is a good option since an array can't have less than 0 members).