I need help with two simple programs I was given as homework. I am really (and I mean - REALLY) new to all this programming stuff, so please forgive me for not doing this on my own.
The first program - I have to input data for a matrix B[m][n] where m<8 (rows) and n<10 (columns).
Then I have to input data for interval [c,d] and find which matrix row have the most elements within that interval.
The second program - I need to make a program that inputs data for square matrix A[k][k] where k<7. I need to find the sum and the count of the positive elements standing over the main diagonal.
I am not really into this but I have to do it in order to pass the year. Fortunately I will not have to do it next year. I will really appreciate your help with guidance or source code.
Maybe you shouldn't post if you are not going to help, but thanks anyway.
I'm studying economics and I don't know why the heck they put a computer course in the program. It's the first time I try programming and I have to complete those two problems just after 6 hours of class work.
This is the source I've came up with for the first program (still very, very beta):
#include <stdio.h>
main () {
int i; // counter
int s=0;
int c,d; // the interval
int A[64]; // array which holds the matrix's elements
int m,n;
printf ("Beginning of the program.""\n \n");
printf ("Rows: ");
scanf ("%d",&m);
if (m>7 || m<1) {
printf ("\n \n""This program allows maximum of 7 and minimum of 1 rows.");}
return 0;}
printf ("\n \n""Columns: ");
scanf ("%d",&n);
if (n>9 || n<1) {
printf ("\n \n""This program allows maximum of 9 and minimum of 1 columns.");}
return 0;}
s=m*n; // s = rows times columns -> equals the total number of elements in the matrix
printf ("\n \n""Input values for matrix's elements: ""\n \n");
for (i=0;i<s;i++) {
printf ("A[%d]= ",i);
scanf ("%d",&A[i]);}
printf ("\n \n""Input values for the interval [c,d]");
printf ("\n \n""c= ");
scanf ("%d",&c);
printf ("\n""d= ");
scanf ("%d",&d);
} // end main
Unfortunately, I can't think of a way to find which matrix row have the most elements within the interval.