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    by Mif
    C programming. Using uninitialized memory warning.   [Beginners]
    I keep getting this warning even I initialize the memory, then I double-check the code paths to ensure no element in allNodes or closedSet is accessed before al...
    [17 replies] Last: I found a lot of info and a few C implementations for the A* Search al... (by George PlusPlus)
    Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is...   [Beginners]
    Hi, I am getting an error when I run my program. the error is... Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write prote...
    [18 replies] Last: Any ideas?[/quote] Got lots of ideas, you've already been offered sev... (by George PlusPlus)
    by Ch1156
    C++ Concept Visualizations   [Lounge]
    So I've been thinking of something and i thought it would be helpful to be able to see how things work in C++ instead of trying to visualize them yourself, its ...
    [9 replies] Last: I will see if i can figure out how to make these more digestible while... (by Ch1156)
    Git problem   [Beginners]
    Hi. I am trying to get out a confused git situation. I can't really remember how I got there, but I want to get out and manage to add, commit and push like bef...
    [6 replies] Last: git merge[/code] only works automatically, if there are [b]no[/b] con... (by kigar64551)
    Procedure Entry Point Not Found   [Windows Programming]
    Hello, I am currently using OpenCV-4.5.5-x64 with MinGW and encountering issues when trying to execute the compiled binary. The PATH environment variable is co...
    [1 reply] : UPDATE: Ive tried an older Build and OpenCV-MinGW-Build-OpenCV-4.1.1-x... (by LukeProducts)
    How can a export an existing concept from a c++20 module   [General C++ Programming]
    Hey guys. I have been using concepts for some time and they work very well. Now I'd like to add module support. The important part here: I need to be backward...
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    Fox-Star Search Fun   [Lounge]
    A recent question asked about the A* Search algorithm (https://cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/285875/#msg1243408 [/b]), something I had never messed with, so I de...
    [6 replies] Last: A* and other path finding algorithms can/are considered to be forms of... (by zapshe)
    image compression ffmpeg   [Windows Programming]
    Hey folks, I’m trying to use FFmpeg in C++ to compress image buffers, but I keep running into a fundamental issue. I’m seeing this error: [libx264 @ 0000...
    [1 reply] : Read the manual page and understand how the functions are supposed to ... (by salem c)
    How to properly link ffmpeg library to clion?   [Windows Programming]
    Hey everyone :), I've been trying to use FFmpeg for video compression and other tasks, but I've been stuck for a while. Up until now, I've mostly avoided linki...
    [2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I realized i mixed up .dll with .lib in the executi... (by LukeProducts)
    Hmmmmmm.....dynamic polymorphism library   [Lounge]
    https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/announcing-the-proxy-3-library-for-dynamic-polymorphism/ I saw this as an item in the VS 2022 news feed, any comments ...
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