User: yetidaddy

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User profile: yetidaddy

User info
User name:yetidaddy
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Where do I put this IF/ELSE/ or WHILE statement ?
Yes, if the score is less than 100 then it process through normally. But when the score is 100 or mo...

Where do I put this IF/ELSE/ or WHILE statement ?
For the assignment, I need to mod it so that if the user enters 100 or more for score, then the prog...

Where do I put this IF/ELSE/ or WHILE statement ?
In this exercise, I'm suppose ask the user if the answer is correct if the grade is 100 or higher. W...

Calculate shipping charge program
I got it, the stateID.end is wrong, it should be stateId.end

Calculate shipping charge program
I'm using windows xp with visual studio 2005

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