User: fivetwoseveone

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User profile: fivetwoseveone

User info
User name:fivetwoseveone
Name:Piotr Tomaszewski
Bio:Hello everyone :3
I'm a 15 year old guy doing programming for 2 years now. I'm interested only in backend but I'm doing both low-end and high-end stuff.
Number of posts:3
Latest posts:

How do I run a terminal command without freezing the GUI app
I added the "&" at the end and now it works! Big thanks :3

How do I run a terminal command without freezing the GUI app
I'm doing an app in wxWidgets and I need to run a linux command. The command is mpv <video URL> <som...

What can I do in c++?
Hello everyone. I've been learning c++ recently and I really want to do something more with this la...

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