User: csoapy

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User profile: csoapy

User info
User name:csoapy
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

how to print current local time in one line of code?
thank you all! and i known if there no other code u can not output current time with one line of co...

how to print current local time in one line of code?
thank u! i want to log something included time with std::ofstream, so befor calling asctime(localti...

how to print current local time in one line of code?
as the title and just only use C++98. and as better as format it! thx!

why cannot convert parameter 1 from 'ICommand *' to 'ICommand *&'?
i see, Thank you vlan, Thank you Zhuge! [code] #include <iostream> int GetInt(){ return 200; } ...

why cannot convert parameter 1 from 'ICommand *' to 'ICommand *&'?
sorry, i can't understand what u say, could u show ur code that's correctly?

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