User profile: bkelly13

User info
User name:bkelly13
Number of posts:24
Latest posts:

Convert binary to base 58
Regarding the post from kigar64551 (799) (Sorry about the delay, difficulties on the home front.) I ...

Convert binary to base 58
Kigar64551 wrote in line 1: [code]static const char* const ASCII_CHARS = "!\"#$ % &'()*+,-./01234567...

Convert binary to base 58
mbozzi wrote: Start by taking the remainder to find the next digit. Then divide. When the quotient ...

Convert binary to base 58
I want to convert a long binary number, 256 bits, into a base 58 char array using c code. I cannot ...

Need a starter project for Visual Studio 2022, C++, multiple dialogs
Need a starter project for Visual Studio 2022, C++, multiple dialogs I cannot get a project started...