User: Thinias

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User profile: Thinias

User info
User name:Thinias
Joined:May 14, 2015 at 7:24am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Why not c with classes?
People who say "C++ is not C with classes" are saying what they [i]want[/i] the truth to be... not w...

External Errors?
In general, when you have a concise repro like this and you are getting a weird error that you don't...

New Operator
Well trodden question. No point in anyone here explaining it to you. Google it. There's a lengthy...

How to set up OpenGL
From the output you're getting, it looks like you're using Visual Studio. Putting an existing file ...

The values are "erased" in the same way that data is "erased" from your hard drive when you delete i...

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