User: EdJones33

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User profile: EdJones33

User info
User name:EdJones33
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

need better instruction book
After reading only two chapters of the 2013 edition of _C++ Primer_ I have absolutely had it with th...

cross-platform C++ compilation
Thank you for the quick reply. Is there a way to compile a Windows executable from within Linux?

bad evaluation of main() return of -1 by OS
Thanks for the prompt response! I guess that teaches me to learn Python before trying to learn C++ :...

cross-platform C++ compilation
Sorry if this belongs in the newbies forum and the moderator should feel free to move it there if ne...

bad evaluation of main() return of -1 by OS
I'm learning C++ through self-study of the 2012 edition of C++ Primer and the first exercise was to ...

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