Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is...Try unsigned char, maybe you're getting negative values when > 0x79. [code] unsigned char oDataL[0x1...
How come a concept receives 2 template parameters but only one is used?There are two syntaxes involved, both of which ultimately supply the same number of parameters, just...
Reading files with fread() in chunks.Probably reported for mentioning microsoft, a grievous offence. :-)
Reading files with fread() in chunks.You should post the complete program, which includes #includes. We shouldn't have to translate your ...
Reading files with fread() in chunks.@Duthomhas, you've had a bit of a brain slip writing [b]sizeof(1024)[/b]. You mean [b]sizeof(buffer)...
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