User: DizzyDon

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User profile: DizzyDon

User info
User name:DizzyDon
Number of posts:110
Latest posts:

need some help
[quote]The account is not disabled, because only 1 post was removed. [/quote] Maybe his first post w...

need some help
He's playing the long game. Two year wait! I wonder how many other sleeper accounts exist? Apparentl...

Simple tga writer not working correctly.
You are writing near black pixels. Try 255, 0, 0 !!! Also, you are writing the pixels in the wrong ...

Namespace std not recognized in public API.h for shared library
You sound defensive. Fuck you.

Namespace std not recognized in public API.h for shared library
[quote]It seems that the namespace 'std' is not recognized.[/quote] I don't see how you come to that...

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