User: Aquacold

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User profile: Aquacold

User info
User name:Aquacold
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Buttons work but don't show up until clicked on.
OK I feel like an idiot, a dumb mother trucker. [code] g_CardExtraField = g_TextBox = CreateWindow...

Buttons work but don't show up until clicked on.
Like this right? [code] ShowWindow(g_ReturnToMainS, SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(g_CardNextButton, SW_SHOW)...

Buttons work but don't show up until clicked on.
I'm currently making a Flash Card Program and just got to making the GUI. Most of the windows have b...

ofstream saving extra lines
Thanks a lot man! After I changed that I realized I had a double "<< endl << endl;" at the start. G...

ofstream saving extra lines
I have been writing a flash card program and have just got to saving and loading data. The program c...

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