User: AfroManCompsci

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User profile: AfroManCompsci

User info
User name:AfroManCompsci
Name:Bart Allen
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

How would I implement coordinates and moving through the maze after user selects starting location?
Alright so I've been making some good progress with the program I am working on and wanted to know h...

How do I update the maze?
First off thank you for your reply! It means a lot! Secondly okay that makes sense! In the two new f...

How do I update the maze?
Hi in my algorithms class we are creating a 2D pathfinding maze where we read in the maze from a tex...

How to display the beginning balance read from the data file?
Okay so everytime i run the code and creates an infinite loop, but within that infinite loop the bal...

User integer and character Validation
Okay so now every time I run my program i try to check to see if i enter the same seat twice it disp...

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