User: zypronix

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User profile: zypronix

User info
User name:zypronix
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

detect spacebar in shell
Hi, is it maybe RegisterHotKey() your looking for? Then handle the WM_HOTKEY msg in your WindowProc...

Tray icon, not displaying?
Yes, the .rc is in my project, the icon works for my main window and the small icon down at the sysb...

Tray icon, not displaying?
Hi I have a little problem with my tray icon, I fill the NOTIFYICONDATA struct with all the informa...

BRUSH displayed wrong with vc++ but not with dev-c++?
thx, Disch, exactly as the tutorial tried to tell me, but I insisted that I replace the one I had...

BRUSH displayed wrong with vc++ but not with dev-c++?
Disch, so creating and delete it within the case is better? Why I didn't do that before was because...

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