User: zsukal

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User profile: zsukal

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User name:zsukal
Number of posts:33
Latest posts:

how to catch exception modifications to the array "const pointer"
Hello. I write function whose Modifying array (char), how to check that variable of function is non...

Problem with jpeg-8 compiling library
I found my mistake, in the zip file are examples, worked when removed then.

Problem with jpeg-8 compiling library
Hi. I am download source of library jpeg-8, but i can't not compile it in Visual Studio 2010. I have...

Array pointer passed one method to another.
How to write function whose can use pointer returned from another function. int* func00(){ int ...

Struct include from header file.
I create new class myDT, in there i copy method returnTM(). Class myDate and myTime inheritance a...

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