User: zeromeus

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User profile: zeromeus

User info
User name:zeromeus
Number of posts:39
Latest posts:

Iterating through a map with possible deletions?
OH WOOPS. Wow I'm dumb. Yea I did it your way now and it works great. Thanks!

Iterating through a map with possible deletions?
When I try that I get an out of range error. This is the loop I wrote: [code] for ( it=map.begin(...

Iterating through a map with possible deletions?
I tried that before, but I get a memory access error.

Iterating through a map with possible deletions?
Hey everyone, If I'm looping through all the elements in the map, and at a certain spot I need to...

Simple graphics display?
Hey all, I was just wondering what easiest way to approach this problem might be. I need to open ...

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