User: zemnieks

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User profile: zemnieks

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User name:zemnieks
Number of posts:7
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Program that turns decimal base to any base from 2-16 gives reverse number
Hello! I am trying to make a program that turns any number with decimal base in number with any base...

Program that turns decimal base to any base from 2 to 16
I have never used this function, but I could look into it. Thank you!

Program that turns decimal base to any base from 2 to 16
So I`m trying to write a code for program that turns any Natural dec number to a number with any Nat...

Natural number factors that are some other natural numbers squared.
I think I managed to do it #include <iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; int main() { ...

Natural number factors that are some other natural numbers squared.
So, this problem asks me to give such natural number "n" factors that are some other natural numbers...

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