User: zarkangelks1

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User profile: zarkangelks1

User info
User name:zarkangelks1
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Basic I/O file stream
So, here is my problem. I need to do a ifstream of the variables down below, but I don't know how to...

float time = int minutes / 60 equals 0?
I fixed it by adding a .0 after the 60. So now it looks like float activityTime = int minutes / 60.0...

float time = int minutes / 60 equals 0?
How would I go about fixing this without using casting? As we have not learned this in class yet we ...

float time = int minutes / 60 equals 0?
Why does my float time keep returning 0 when it is initialized to be int minutes/ 60? It is boded an...

for loop question.
This is a homework question, but I need hints on how to complete it. We did not go over this in-clas...

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