User: yor1001

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User profile: yor1001

User info
User name:yor1001
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Why is this undefined.
Rofl I went to bed and had a dream about doing the same thing, now it works like a charm :D, Yeah ...

Why is this undefined.
Thanks for the reply, and the answer, but this was really an example of my problem, my problem is re...

Why is this undefined.
I have a project that I am working on and I am forced to use forward declaration, but member variabl...

why cant I acces private/protected members
Ok thanks, a bunch for your help, one last Q, is there any time value that is a float and not intege...

Help plz
Rofl I just came on the thread yesterday, and thought this forum was dead, but from looking at these...

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