User: yokokingdommusic

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User profile: yokokingdommusic

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User name:yokokingdommusic
Number of posts:6
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getline() Problem
I get that, but I don't understand what [code]stringstream[/code] is doing.

getline() Problem
Well, I got it to work. I didn't add the [code]<sstream>[/code] header. Now that I have that in, i...

getline() Problem
Ok. I can accept that :P However, I don't understand what is going on with the stringstream. I'm ...

getline() Problem
[code] // How to get a number. int myNumber = 0; while (true) { cout << "Please enter a v...

getline() Problem
I tried that, but it won't work. Here's how my program works: void main() { int iOPTION; ...

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