User: xrotaryguy

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User profile: xrotaryguy

User info
User name:xrotaryguy
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Incorrect Array Assignment Error
I'm trying to work around the my wonky test for EOF in the for loop, but it's still not working: [c...

Incorrect Array Assignment Error
Well that did the trick! Thanks! Now my problem has to do with nested EOF statements. By the time th...

Incorrect Array Assignment Error
I tried it both ways ['i'] and [i]. I was just trying to get rid of the incorrect array assignment e...

Incorrect Array Assignment Error
Shoot, now I get the error: [output] error: no match for 'operator>>' in 'infile >> str2'| [/output...

Incorrect Array Assignment Error
:) I am not allowed to use strings, only arrays of characters. Since everyone keeps suggesting usin...

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