User profile: xintaris

User info
User name:xintaris
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

help with a bug in a link list
Thanks for the suggestion. I have already done that. I have about 15 and thats how I new I had a sco...

help with passing the right parameter
ok well then pointers still seem to have me confused. What do I need to pass then to make this right...

help with a bug in a link list
ok I fugured as much, but was not sure where the out of scope problem really was. the "hello" was j...

help with a bug in a link list
Here is the rest of the code menu.h [code] #ifndef _MENU_H_ #define _MENU_H_ //this class was creat...

help with a bug in a link list
So I have created this link list for a class project. It seem to take all the data ok. The problem a...