User: xdflames

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User profile: xdflames

User info
User name:xdflames
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Cannot output a vector
What I am trying to do is get a number from a text document and print out the prime factorization of...

Using Functions(Too few arguments error)
It works completely now though with the changes I made and what I put into my last post. x, y and z ...

Using Functions(Too few arguments error)
Thank you, can you check this and see if it is good? It works, but there still seems to be an error...

Using Functions(Too few arguments error)
Oh... Wow... How can I make it work though? I know i need the initial values inside of the void, bu...

Using Functions(Too few arguments error)
void duplicate(int& a, int& b, int& c) I thought you could declare them like that? How else would ...

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