User: x loto

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User profile: x loto

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User name:x loto
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Way to prevent calling default constructor of Base class?
Oh! I had completely forgotten the ctor syntax with the colon--I knew there had to be a way! Thank y...

Way to prevent calling default constructor of Base class?
Hi! I have a Base class with a default constructor (parameterized with default value) and a Deriv...

Transferring Dev-C++ project to Code::Blocks--unexpected errors
Okay, that's good to know. Thanks to both of you! ^_^

Transferring Dev-C++ project to Code::Blocks--unexpected errors
...Wow. I can't believe I made such a rookie mistake. That leads right into a new question: Why woul...

Transferring Dev-C++ project to Code::Blocks--unexpected errors
Hi! I've just installed Code::Blocks, and I imported my current Dev-C++ project into it and tried to...

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