User: whitmcrae

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User profile: whitmcrae

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User name:whitmcrae
Number of posts:26
Latest posts:

Can you improve this BNR packing function?
Cubbi, Are you referring to just checking the following instead of comparing typeid? [code]if ...

Can you improve this BNR packing function?
I had considered specialization, but since there are so many possible types it seemed quite tedious ...

Can you improve this BNR packing function?
I have created the following function which seems to correctly pack BNR values (2's complement) of a...

creating new data type on top of built-in type
Yes, all will probably be overloaded for all the standard math operators (+ - * / += -= *= /=). T...

creating new data type on top of built-in type
Thank you for the response. Basically, I will be pulling packed binary data off of a bus (lots of i...

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