User: whitewolf

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User profile: whitewolf

User info
User name:whitewolf
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Random Compile Error
I figured out the problem. Headptr and ptr were never allocated using 'new' so the program would alw...

Random Compile Error
Doh, I feel like an idiot. Wow that is incredibly simple fix. Thanks! EDIT: Now it compiles, but ...

Random Compile Error
Hello, I am getting this error while using the latest version of Code::Blocks. [quote]error: expe...

Renaming Files the Hard Way
[code]cout << oldn << "\n\n" << newn << "\n" << endl; rename(oldn.c_str(), newn.c_str());[/...

Renaming Files the Hard Way
I took your suggestion and did some digging around here and eventually ended up with a way to do thi...

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