User: w0320601

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User profile: w0320601

User info
User name:w0320601
Bio:hi i like learnign scripts
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

can someone compile this script into a .dll file for me!?
thanks for help guys ima see if i can find it. and post a new thread i prob wont be able to though.

can someone compile this script into a .dll file for me!?
can yall make it without injection.h?

can someone compile this script into a .dll file for me!?
what do you mean injection.h?! so its missing a file?

can someone compile this script into a .dll file for me!? script is too big to post on forum =[ so link to paste bin is above....

how do i compile this script into a .dll file script is too big to post on forum =[ so link to paste bin is above....

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