User: viorage

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User profile: viorage

User info
User name:viorage
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

output problem: setw related
I am an idiot. I missed a minute detail of adding lastname + firstname in my first output. The cod...

output problem: setw related
lastchance- I am going to set a loop to assign a full name and try your code. I know I am missing ...

output problem: setw related
well I tried this output loop which went horribly wrong [code] for(int j = 0; j < numberOfRecor...

output problem: setw related
Ah, I think I understand. What happens if the name is over 15/20 characters? I am going to go writ...

output problem: setw related
and the format got messed up [code] What I need: Smith, John 3.50 Jones, Tom ...

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