User profile: vessel91

User info
User name:vessel91
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

function that reads string, converts it to int array, flips number in array.
The output (print) function will only print the number, with no leading zeros. The addition function...

function that reads string, converts it to int array, flips number in array.
Hello I am trying to get a program going where I just need about three functions in order to compl...

writing multiple arrays to a new array in a funciton
Like the question says, I am trying to write 2 to 3 arrays to a new array. I am currently writing a ...

lines to txt file
Thanks that was soo simple, but even more helpful. Why am I writing the loop twice before getting ...

lines to txt file
I have two issues, so far, I am able to open an existing txt file, and write a line of code at the e...